Pencari Ilmu dari Video

Baiklah, Kali ini gw lagi belajar di Lynda.Com, Udemy.Com, Udacity.Com, dan, semuanya berbahasa inggris. Vidio ini ada list Focus belajar gw dengan React cycle (JavaScript/ Typescript), .NET cycle dan Server. Untuk PHP terutama Codeigniter tidak terlalu dominan, karena kerjaan utama masih di dunia PHP.

Became ReactJS Dev

  1. Learning React.js - Eve Porcello ✔️
  2. React.js Essential Training - Eve Porcello ✔️
  3. Learning Redux - Alex Banks
  4. React.js: Building an Interface - Ray Villabos
  5. React: Creating and Hosting a Full-stack Site - Shaun Wassell
  6. React: Ecosystems - Emmanuel Henri
  7. React for Web Designers

Became React Native Dev

  1. Learning React Native - Alex Banks
  2. React Native Essential Training - Samer Buna
  3. Create a CRM Mobile Application with React Native - Emmanuel Henri
  4. React Native Ecosystem and Workflow - Emmanuel Henri
  5. Building Material Design Apps on Android with React Native - Linton Ye
  6. Build a React Native Todo Application

Javascript Class

  1. Learn Javascript For Beginners Certificate Avaliable
  2. The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!
  3. Javascript DOM dynamic WEB
  4. Build 10 Javascript Project Certificate Avaliable

React Class

  1. React Basic For Beginners Certificate Avaliable ✔️
  2. Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0 Certificate Avaliable
  3. React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners Certificate Avaliable
  4. React JS - Build real world JS apps & deploy on cloud Certificate Avaliable
  5. Learn React JS and Web API by creating a Full Stack Web App Certificate Avaliable
  6. React Fundamental
  7. React Hooks and Context with Redux Migration Certificate Avaliable
  8. Build a Pet Hotel web app with React using ScaffoldHub Certificate Avaliable
  9. React basic in just 1 hour
  10. React JS Quick Start
  11. React Js bootcamp
  12. React in 1 Hour: Learn the Fundamental, Fast
  13. React 2019: React, Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0
  14. How to use React with Firebase and Redux
  15. Your custom react component
  16. React vs Angular vs Vue.js by Example Certificate Avaliable
  17. Master React Native Animations
  18. React Native Bootcamp - Build Instagram Clone with Firebase Certificate Avaliable
  19. React Native E-Commerce - Mern Stack Certificate Avaliable
  20. Build Fast React App using Design System
  21. All about NextJS Certificate Avaliable
  22. ReactJS Build Real Apps on cloud
  23. 30 Days Code, Django Build a Resume Website
  24. Intro to React: Build Youtube App Certificate Avaliable
  25. React Native Made Easy Certificate Avaliable
  26. MERN Stack Blogging System in 2022 Certificate Avaliable

TypeScript Class

  1. React & Typescript Master Class Certificate Avaliable
  2. React Typescript with Jest Testing Certificate Avaliable
  3. Learn Typescript with Svelte Certificate Avaliable
  4. NestJS Zero to Hero with Typscript Certificate Avaliable
  5. Typescript Basic

NextJS Class

  1. Build a FullStack App with Next.js, Supabase & Prisma
  2. Magic Link Authentication in Next.js with NextAuth and Fauna
  3. Nextjs Prisma Postgres
  4. SWR Feat Axios with NextJS

Dotnet/ C# Class

  1. For Novice Dotnet
  2. Indepth Donet Technologis
  3. C# Object Oriented Fundamental Certificate Avaliable
  4. C# Complete Master Certificate Avaliable
  5. C# Desktop Application
  6. Student Management
  7. Inventory System
  8. Dotnet From Microsoft
  9. Dotnet Windows Worker Services
  10. Dotnet Windows Services
  11. C# .NET Essentsials
  12. Monthly Learning Class
  13. Fast 5 Learning C# Certificate Avaliable
  14. Zebra Print with C# Desktop
  15. C# Windows Form
  16. C# .NET WPF Desktop Series
  17. Fast SQL in C# .NET Core By Live Project Windows Forms & SQL Certificate Avaliable
  18. Fast WPF in C# Windows Presentation Foundation for Beginners
  19. C# Complete Beginner's Guide
  20. C# Advanced Prictice on LinkedIn
  21. Learning C# on LinkedIn
  22. Object Oriented C# on LinkedIn
  23. Web Scrapping with C#
  24. Quiz App in C#
  25. Complete ASP.NET Core MVC 6: A Project guide 2024

Penetration Test/ Web Security

  1. Web Application Penetration Testing
  2. IP Addressing From Zero to Hero
  3. Wireshark Packet analysis and Ethical Hacking, Core Skills
  4. Pentest and Securing web application
  5. Bug Bounty: Web Application Penetration Testing


  1. Create Authentication React and Laravel RESTFull API ✔️
  2. Redis Database Tutorial


  1. Replication in MongoDB
  2. Self-Managed Database Admin
  3. Using MongoDB with C#
  4. MongoDB C# Developer Path
  5. MongoDB CRUD Operations in C#


  1. Learn React Redux in less than 1 hour - Sandy Ludosky ✔️
  2. Redux Framework in React Native 2020 (with Hooks, Middleware & More) - Proficient Courses
  3. React Native For Beginners: Learn React Native With Hands On Practices


  1. Introducing the React Hooks - Sandy Ludosky
  2. React Hooks - Building Real Project From Scratch - Oleksandr Kocherhin
  3. React Video Player - Hooks API - Thomas Weibenfalk


  1. Intro to React: Building a Gallery - Travis Arnold
  2. Beginner React - Movie App - Hooks API and Styled Components (2019) - Thomas Weibenfalk ✔️
  3. Learn React by creating a Chart generator - Raymundo CH
  4. Simple Todo List with using React & HTML5 Localstorage - Sandy Ludosky ✔️
  5. React.js Academy for Beginners with Firebase - Chris Dixon
  6. Getting Started with React by Building App - Paritosh Pundir

  1. React Redux by The Net Ninja
  2. React Redux Firebase by The Net Ninja
  3. React Hooks and Context by The Net Ninja
  4. React Native air BNB Clone by cubUI
  5. Docker as Backend by cubUI
  6. Using Hook React App by Djamware Tutorial
  7. React Native and Hooks by Djamware Tutorial
  8. Crud ReactJS API dengan Redux
  9. Axios Paging And Searching ✔️
  10. Learn ReactJS with context API, Redux, Axios, Thunk
  11. Best Todo List React, Hooks, Express, Node, Postgres, Seqilize
  12. React Navigation V5 By Pradip Debnath
  13. React Navigation V5 By BitHoven (Naoufal ElYoussoufi)
  14. Build website with GatsbyJS
  15. Build App Clone with ReactJS
  16. JavaScript Chalange 5 Days
  17. Cloning Aplikasi Grab by Dimulai dari NULL
  18. Login with React js, Context API and Python Flask API and JWT
  19. NextJS Prisma Passwordless

Build Chrome Extension

  1. Chrome Extension Development - XPath Extenstion
  2. Chrome Extenstion Variations Trick
  3. Firebase Chrome Extenstion
  4. Freecourse - Build Tab Note with Chrome Extensions
  5. Start Coding Extenstion using Javascript! ✔️
  6. Chrome Extension For Beginners
  7. Google Chrome Extension Development From Beginning


  1. Scrimba
  2. Chakra-UI
  3. Jotai State Management

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